netherlands casino news

A Dutch MP, who decided to make it his mission to reveal corruption in the territories of Holland and Curaçao where Ronald van Raak believes there are some serious wrongdoings in issuing online gambling licenses.

The MP has now written for the second time to the Minister of Kingdom Relations, Ronald Plasterk about this issue.

“Do you agree that Curaçao has failed in its supervision on the gambling sector” If so, what role do you see for the Kingdom to eliminate these administrative abuses?”

In addition to unanswered queries the MP asked before, van Raak wants a clarification of the Curaçao telecommunication company UTS, which facilitates online casinos and SMS lotteries. “Purchasing Ctex may be intended to expand those activities,” said the Dutch MP.

He also wants to know who verifies UTS’s financial report.

“How do you explain that UTS and its subsidiaries are public companies, but do not belong to the country and its institutions, and that supervision is not authorized by the General Court of Auditors?”

He also asked about Sun Casino which would have a sub-license for offering online gambling. “When and by whom was the construction master license holder and sub-holder for online gambling, especially from the e-zones, conceived and implemented?”

The Dutch MP also noted that Bell Mark Casino, the platform he has queried about earlier, has since gone offline. The latest enquiries van Raak asked about the gambling sector have not been answered by Minister Plasterk.

In response to previous queries, the Minister noted that he takes reports about abuses seriously, however, that law enforcement is primarily an autonomous issue for Curaçao. The Netherlands does not offer Curaçao support in addressing financial and economic crime.